By: Russell H. Brooks, P.G. | Senior Engineer
Linebach Funkhouser had a successful year in 2011 remediating petroleum and mixed chlorinated/petroleum contaminated groundwater plumes at several sites across Kentucky. Through the efforts of 4 project managers, LFI has received, or is soon to receive, “No Further Action” letters from the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection, Underground Storage Tank Branch and the Superfund Branch on a total of eight sites. Six of the sites were the result of petroleum contamination due to historical operations and one site had a release of a combination of chlorinated solvents and petroleum compounds. At six sites, LFI utilized BOS200® and Trap & Treat® a product sold by Remediation Products, Inc. (RPI), which is a specially-formulated blend of activated carbon, sulfate reduction media, micronutrients, and facultative microbes. The seventh and eighth site involving chlorinated solvents was remediated using FMC, Inc’s. Klozur®CR, which is a single, formulated product consisting of high pH – activated Klozure Persulfate and PermeOx® Plus engineered calcium peroxide. The addition of the remedial products was through the use of Geoprobe® borings and high pressure injection as well as open-hole soil mixing. Based on groundwater sampling activities, LFI found that BOS200®rapidly reduced or eliminated the identified BTEX contamination to below MCLs at 5 of the 6 sites, with the 6th site being reduced to below its site-specific screening limits based on sampling approximately 3 to 4 months following injection. Long term monitoring (1 year after injection) at the sites did not indicate contamination rebound. LFI conducted long term monitoring (two years of quarterly sampling)of the Klozur®CR site and it also did not indicate contaminant rebound. Below is a chart showing a summary of the sites, area of impact, and material used to successfully obtain closure.
Summary of Sites and Material Applied
*= Separate Phase Product Present