Buying and Selling Environmentally Affected Property Has Obstacles.
Linebach Funkhouser Will Get You Over Them.
Knowledge and Business Acumen Matter.
Purchasers and financiers of commercial/industrial property want liability protection. Sellers want regulatory closure and an end to long-term legacy costs and responsibilities. Both want to finalize deals as quickly as possible. LFI understands the role of a good consultant is to satisfy both parties, and then get out of the way.
LFI has worked on property deals in over 40 states and we’re familiar with various state regulatory programs. In Kentucky, LFI was an invited participant providing input to the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KDEP) in the development of KDEP’s ground-breaking Brownfield Redevelopment Program (KRS 224.1-415) that provides liability clarity and comfort to purchasers of affected property. Through the Program, KDEP will issue written liability protection absolving potential purchasers from the obligation to conduct costly assessment and remediation activities. LFI provided input to KDEP in developing the Program, is recognized by KDEP as a leader in its implementation, and has successfully led numerous clients and deals to fruition through it.