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Is asbestos in your way?
Linebach Funkhouser, Inc. can provide you with practical, straight-forward solutions to remove or manage the asbestos in your building.
Experience Matters.
Whether asbestos is in the way of your building demolition or renovation project, or you have asbestos in a building that needs to be properly managed, LFI can help. We have some of the most experienced asbestos experts in the industry.
Our team will assist you throughout the entire process, including identification and removal or management of asbestos containing materials (ACM), navigation through the complex regulations, and meeting government agency requirements.
LFI can help you with:
Surveys and identification of ACM
Preparation of cost estimates for abatement
Preparation of bid documents for abatement
Selection of asbestos abatement contractors
Abatement oversight and air monitoring
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) programs
Employee training
Asbestos Abatement

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