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Linebach Funkhouser can be your Green House Gas consultant.

LFI provides consulting services for new environmental programs. Recently the EPA has enacted its first-ever air pollution rules for Green House Gases.

Mandatory Reporting of Green House Gases

The new rule does not require control of green house gases (GHG). It requires only that sources above certain threshold levels monitor and report emissions. The final rule applies to fossil fuel suppliers and industrial gas suppliers, and direct green house gas emitters.

Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule

The tailoring rule defines the thresholds for permitting green house gas emissions from stationary sources under the Clean Air Act (CAA) permitting programs. This rule requires GHGs to be treated as an air pollutant subject to  EPA’s  Title  V  and  New  Source  Technology  Best  Available  Control
Technology (BACT) for GHG emissions.


Facilities responsible for nearly 70% of the national GHG emissions from stationary sources will be subject to permitting requirements under this rule. This includes the nation’s largest GHG emitters: power plants, refineries, and cement production facilities. Facilities that emit at least 100,000 tons
per year (tpy) carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq) will be subject to Title V permitting requirements.


LFI can provide permitting services and strategies to minimize the effect of
this regulation on your operation.

Key Services:
  • Rule applicability determinations for emitters and fossil fuel suppliers

  • GHG emission inventory calculations

  • Annual GHG reporting

  • GHG recordkeeping

  • Monitoring, recordkeeping, reporting, and verification plans

  • GHG compliance strategy development

GHG Reporting

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